
Here we will be posting the current version of the template

September 22, 2020 - 1.6 On Home Video Section, was added Video Lightbox to the small video posts.
September 18, 2020 - 1.5 Category boxes on the home page were not displaying well on landscape mode, fixed. Added "scale on hover" to categories boxes.
September 17, 2020 - 1.4 Some weird bugs that were causing some problems (Hero section to disappear on category page, featured section on the navbar to not showing featured posts, open a new page on empty links) were solved.
April 30, 20 - 1.3 Categories on the Dropdown was removed. Category button added as Collection List, now Categories will be updated automatically.
March 16, 20 - 1.1 Notice bar was removed. "Nav enter Nav leave" interaction added to Navigation
January 25, 20 - 1.0 Initial template version.